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Metallaser Contract Solutions has been working for years in the contract furniture sector, creating steel solutions for interior & exterior design. Together with the Connet network Connet, we provide turn-key furnishing solutions, proposing ourselves as the sole interlocutor for complete project management.

Metallaser Contract Solutions proposes itself on the international market as a strategic partner for architectural studies, contractors, builders and individuals.

Once we receive a request, we guide customers towards the most effective solution in accordance with the available budget, ensuring high-quality craftsmanship and 100% Made-in-Italy design.
In partnership with a team of highly qualified designers, we offer complete service upon request, from rendering approval to realization of executive drawings.
Our forward-looking philosophy pushes us to anticipate future scenarios and needs to offer customers more than they can imagine. With this operational framework, it is essential for us to know and anticipate the latest design trends and look for new materials that will satisfy our creativity and exceed your expectations.

Design for us means emotions and functionality. We are certain that a pleasant environment improves people's lives, stimulating them in a positive way. This is why we partner on a permanent basis with Isia Roma Design, a forge of young creative minds, with whom we share an innovative vision and pioneering spirit.

This partnership has been yielding significant experiential design projects aimed to create synergy between multimedia technology and the design of everyday objects, with the common goal of improving the quality of life.

We anticipate your imagination to exceed your expectations.


The Metallaser Contract Solutions team of engineers and specialized technical staff will support you from the design phase, through a tailor-made consultancy, to feasibility analysis, and choose the most suitable materials and processing techniques for the realization of your projects. Thanks to the use of 3D printing, we produce unique and customized ABS products.


The continuous evolution in the use of materials and the experimentation of new technologies and processes are fundamental for Metallaser Contract Solutions, which is committed with passion to research and development, with the goal of redefining schemes, and imagining scenarios and future needs to create tomorrow’s products today.


To innovate is part of the Metallaser Contract Solutions business strategy. We enthusiastically welcome all new design trends with the certainty that innovation is the only way to create new products in step with a constantly evolving market.

Above all, emotion and functionality.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


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