

Benessere Qualità della vita




Metallaser Water Solutions specializes in the design, construction and management of customized systems for the distribution of natural and sparkling water.

The vision of Metallaser Water Solutions evolves the concept of a classic water dispenser, proposing customized gathering points around what is called the fountain of the future.

In addition to the self-service distribution of zero-km drinking water, Metallaser Water Solutions dispensers are designed to offer a series of additional customizable services, aimed at transforming the water dispenser into an gathering point that enhances the urban setting and stands as added value for citizens. Metallaser dispensers can be completed thanks to free Wi-Fi operatio, a vending machine with recyclable plastic bottles, integrated monitors for advertisement or enhanced by various solutions to beautify or make urban spaces functional, such as chairs and tables for rest areas.

The main goal of Metallaser Water Solutions is to improve individual and community life. Environmental, social and community improvement. In fact, there are numerous advantages arising from the use of automatic water dispensers: from cost reduction for the disposal of plastic bottles alla to reduction of residential waste accumulation and great economic savings, all with higher quality.

Innovate means improving individual and community life.


The specialized technical staff of Metallaser Water Solutions will support you starting with the design phase, advising you - if warranted - on the most suitable area and the ideal set-up to make the most of your project. Thanks to the use of 3D printingwe realize incredibly realistic prototypes, creating scale models that are identical to the final project.


The continuous evolution in the use of materials and the experimentation of new solutions have led us to forge partnerships with different university centres, a fundamental experience for Metallaser Water Solutions, which is passionately committed to research and development to redefine new future scenarios putting the well-being of citizens at the centre of everything.


To innovate is part of the Metallaser Water Solutions business strategy. We enthusiastically welcome industry innovations with the conviction that to innovate is the only way to create value and remain competitive in a constantly evolving market. Innovating also means reducing waste and inefficiency to guarantee perfect results for customers.

We give water the value it deserves.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


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