“Your tomorrow, our today. We give shape to your ideas to transform them into concrete projects with high-technological content ”

By relying on the use of latest generation machinery and the innovative spirit with which it anticipates sector evolution and customer demands, Metallaser is the market leader in the development of metal products and product-integrated services. It also relies on solid experience and different skills in the various areas in which it operates, a know-how that has allowed the Company forging lasting partnerships.

Thanks to the use of state-of-the-art industrial machinery, hand-crafted detail and continuous investment in innovation, is the ideal partner to shape your best ideas.

We welcome every challenge with enthusiasm and carry forward every project with the same passion that has distinguished us for years and that makes our work appreciated in all the fields of application. Our goal is total customer satisfaction, which becomes part of the production process in a perspective of total product customization.

Each creation is a piece of art that we are proud of realized with the great passion of a craftsman combined with the technology of modern industry.

Our expertise allows us supplying complex products, integrated with electronic components we produce, as required by circumstances. We also create software and ad hoc applications for the optimal management of your products.


Since 2014, Metallaser has been serving as the point of contact of Connet Group, a network of companies operating in the interior & exterior design sector, combining the skills and specializations of six different companies to offer customers a complete 100% Made-in-Italy service.

Since 2014, Metallaser has been collaborating on a permanent basis with Isia Roma Design, a world-renowned Institute in the training of future excellence in the design world. It is a precious partnership that allows Metallaser working closely with the best designers for the continuous development of innovative projects.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


“Premiato  dalla  Camera  di  Commercio  di  Udine alla 64^ edizione delle Premiazioni del Lavoro e Progresso Economico”.

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