






Metallaser Metal Solutions has been making metal products and specializes in sheet metal cutting and processing.

Great experience in the sector, latest generation systems and highly specialized resources, make Metallaser Metal Solutions the answer to all your needs, from the creation of 3D prototypes to serial production

As metalworking specialists,our work begins with the selection of raw materials. We believe that, in addition to the processing skills and the technology of machines we use, the quality of raw materials is the basis for excellent results.

Metal is the material with which to express new ideas and find unexplored solutions.


The Metallaser Metal Solutions team of engineers and specialized technical staff will support you from the design phase, through tailor-made consultancy, to feasibility analysis, and choose the most suitable materials and processing techniques for the realization of your projects.


The continuous evolution in the use of materials and the experimentation of new technologies and processes are fundamental for Metallaser Metal Solutions, which is committed with passion to research and development, with the goal of optimization and continuous improvement of production performance.


To innovate is part of the Metallaser Metal Solutions business strategy. We enthusiastically offer industry innovations with the conviction that innovating is the only way to create value and remain competitive in a constantly evolving market. Innovating also means reducing waste and inefficiency to guarantee perfect results for customers. Thanks to 3D printing, we create incredibly realistic prototypes for the creation of new products or the optimization of existing ones.

Someone can think it's just a piece of metal, for us it means endless possibilities. Yours.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


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