Available in the standard maximum external clearance size: 2000 x 1630 x h 2930 mm. and internal usable size: 1500 x 1130 x h 2250 mm, or can be customized based upon customer requirements.

Production of steel structures treated with epoxy powders for exteriors and stainless steel, and, if required, with a protective anodised aluminium canopy. Self-supporting insulated Monowall-type panel; Heat transmittance U = 0.45 W/mqK. Access door of different types, as requested. The box can be supplied with one or two dispensers and complemented with Wi-Fi system, advertising monitors, bottle vending machines, recycling bag, etc.

The dispensing system is supplied in AISI 316 L steel and allows dispensing both natural and sparkling water. You can select the quantity dispensed by choosing from 0.5L, 1L, 1.5L.

It can be used with coins, personalized badges based on customer requests or contactless payments directly from your Smartphone via an IOS or Android app.

Italy has the world's highest annual per capita consumption of bottled water: every Italian consumes an average of 200 litres of bottled water per year, for a total of 12 billion litres per year.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


“Premiato  dalla  Camera  di  Commercio  di  Udine alla 64^ edizione delle Premiazioni del Lavoro e Progresso Economico”.

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