The use of state-of-the-art technology allows us creating complex cutting operations that guarantee finishes of great quality and precision.
All the systems at our disposal have been carefully configured to work independently 24/7, ensuring rapid production even when we have to make large batches. To respond quickly and promptly to your needs, we also have a well-stocked metal sheet inventory, which is automatically managed via software for forecast use, along with a wide range of materials, from high-strength steels to stainless steel in different types and finishes.
For cost-effective purposes, we use a thickness of 20mm for common steel and 12mm for aluminium alloys.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


“Premiato  dalla  Camera  di  Commercio  di  Udine alla 64^ edizione delle Premiazioni del Lavoro e Progresso Economico”.

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