Metallaser Naval Solutions offers its customers a wide range of existing products that meet their needs with practical and functional solutions, built with technologies and materials that meet the characteristics required in the naval field.

  • Recessed-mount slim box system
  • Standard brackets with monitor mounting solutions for passenger and crew cabins
  • Fastening system with 180° rotation
  • Fastening system with 45° rotation
  • Solutions combined with existing furniture and implemented with rotation systems
  • Concealed mounting of external decoders
  • Corner support solutions
  • Shelf support solutions
  • Suspended support solutions
  • Internet stations
  • Stations for common info-point areas with customizable software that can provide passengers with information on services offered and schedules.

Metallaser Naval Solutions is able to create customized solutions tailored to meet the needs of each customers and the installation environment. Each new solution is tested to assess conformity and guarantee impeccable results.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


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