Metallaser Naval Solutions offers its customers a wide range of existing products that meet their needs with practical and functional solutions, built with technologies and materials that meet the characteristics required in the naval field.

  • Recessed-mount slim box system
  • Standard brackets with monitor mounting solutions for passenger and crew cabins
  • Fastening system with 180° rotation
  • Fastening system with 45° rotation
  • Solutions combined with existing furniture and implemented with rotation systems
  • Concealed mounting of external decoders
  • Corner support solutions
  • Shelf support solutions
  • Suspended support solutions
  • Internet stations
  • Stations for common info-point areas with customizable software that can provide passengers with information on services offered and schedules.



Via Spilimbergo, 195, 33035 Martignacco UD

Tel. +39 0432 677587
Fax +39 0432 677321


“Premiato  dalla  Camera  di  Commercio  di  Udine alla 64^ edizione delle Premiazioni del Lavoro e Progresso Economico”.

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